
Product Features Typical Applications MiniCircuits
2020年10月1日 MAR6SM+ (RoHS compliant) is a wideband amplifier offering high dynamic range It has repeatable performance from lot to lot It is enclosed in a MicroX 30 行 客户还购买了 ERA6SM+ MiniCircuits 射频放大器 ML AMPL / SURF MT / RoHS ERA6SM+ MiniCircuits Mouser 贸泽

Surface Mount /onolithic #mplifier DC4 GHz Mini
2021年10月14日 ERA6SM+ (RoHS compliant) is a wideband amplifier offering high dynamic range It has repeatable performance from lot to lot It is enclosed in a MicroX 当天下单,当天发货。来自 MiniCircuits 的 ERA6SM+ – 射频放大器 IC 蜂窝,CATV,DBS,PCS,WLAN 0Hz ~ 4GHz。DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价 ERA6SM+ MiniCircuits 射频和无线 DigiKey

ERA6SM 数据表(PDF) MiniCircuits
ERA6SM 产品详情 features • low thermal resistance • miniature microwave amplifier • frequency range, DC to 8 GHz, usable to 10 GHz • up to 184 dBm typ (165 dBm min) 元器件型号为MAR6SM+的类别属于无线/射频/通信射频和微波,它的生产商为MiniCircuits。厂商的官网为:点击查看更多MAR6SM+,MAR6SM+ pdf中文资料,MAR6SM+引脚图

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Electronic Component Parts Distributor, order online, sameday shipping, no minimum order Semiconductors, Connectors, Embedded, Optoelectronics, Capacitors TB4116+ $14161 Options and Alternative Models Item Description TB4116+ TB,MAR6SM,WW107,50 OHM / RoHS MiniCircuits is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of RF, IF, and microwave components from DC to 86GHzSMT Low Noise Amplifier, DC 2000 MHz, 50Ω MAR6SM

RSB56SM Data Sheet, Product Detail ROHM
RSB56SM Bidirectional zener Diode ROHM's zener diodes are available in various lineup as 2pin mold surfacemount type and complex type New alternative products may be available Data Sheet Buy * Sample * * This is a standardgrade product For Automotive usage, please contact Sales Documents电子台秤 PBK7856SM/65 更高的准确度 MonoBloc® 技术 该 Monobloc® 型秤台采用电磁力补偿技术并配备内部校准砝码,可提供更高的准确度和“即插即称”功能。坚固耐用且防尘 采用铸铝外壳和过载保护装置并符合 IP65 密封标准,适用于恶劣的多尘工业环境 电子台秤 PBK7856SM/65 纵览 梅特勒托利多

某温度下,纯水的电导率κ = 38 × 106Sm1,已知该温度下,H+
某温度下,纯水的电导率κ = 38 × 106Sm1,已知该温度下,H+、OH的摩尔电导率分别为35 × 102与20 × 102Sm2mol1,那么该 水溶液中的离子反应与平衡 电离平衡 水的电离和溶液的酸碱性 水的电离 水的离子积及其影响因素MAR6SM+ 产品描述 0MHz 2000MHz RF/MICROWAVE WIDE BAND LOW POWER AMPLIFIER, ROHS COMPLIANT, PLASTIC, CASE WW107, MICROX4 产品类别 无线/射频/通信 射频和微波 文件大小 102KB,共2页 制造商 MiniCircuits 官网地址 https://minicircuitsMAR6SM+,MAR6SM+ pdf中文资料,MAR6SM+引脚图

零件号 型号 F6SM8 TH 工具分类 Non reversible 主轴或钻夹头类型 3/824UNF 空载转速 900 转速 功率 260 W 功率 035 hp 最大扭矩 8 ftlbs 最大扭矩 108 Nm 重量2024年5月16日 网络不给力,请稍后重试百度安全验证

电子台秤 ICS425s6SM/f 纵览 梅特勒托利多
电子台秤 ICS425s6SM/f 可靠的性能 应变片技术 ICS425,基本称量解决方案,经过优化可进行快速、轻松的称量应用。坚固耐用 结构坚固,采用铝压铸秤体结构、过载保护装置和坚固的薄膜键盘,因此可应用于工 RF Microwave Products › Cables 0866SM+ HandFlex Interconnect, 0086" center diameter, 180 GHz Connector Type: SMA Generic photo used for illustration purposes only Connector types may vary Please refer to datasheet for detailsHandFlex Interconnect, 0086" center diameter, 180 GHz 0866SM

Synchronous Servomotors Series 6SM27 Kollmorgen
Synchronous servomotors in the 6SM27107 series are brushless DC motors for demanding servo applications When combined with our digital servo amplifiers they are especially suited for positioning tasks in industrial robots, machine tools, transfer lines etc With high requirements for dynamics and stabilityMETTLER TOLEDO is a global provider of precision instruments and services for professional use Select an area and learn more about our wide range of products and applications for weighing, measuring and analyzing 电子台秤 ICS435k6SM/f 高度准确性 更 电子台秤 ICS435k6SM/f 纵览 梅特勒托利多 METTLER

电子台秤 ICS425k6SM/f 纵览 梅特勒托利多 METTLER
METTLER TOLEDO is a global provider of precision instruments and services for professional use Select an area and learn more about our wide range of products and applications for weighing, measuring and analyzing 电子台秤 ICS425k6SM/f 高度准确性 更 If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty Via delle Industrie, 42 36050 Cartigliano (VI) +39 0424 +39 0424 35410 We have a range of onespeed threephase aluminium electric motors: topquality, highperformance products that are compact, lightweight and low maintenance6T series: Singlespeed threephase aluminium motors Elvem

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Electronic Component Parts Distributor, order online, sameday shipping, no minimum order Semiconductors, Connectors, Embedded, Optoelectronics, Capacitors 2024年6月7日 日本FUJI富士F6SM21R气动马达 气动搅拌机 马达搅拌器 风动马达 更新时间:2024年06月07日 我们在行动,与你共渡汛期,点击查看更多优质好物! 价格日本FUJI富士F6SM21R气动马达 气动搅拌机 马达搅拌器

2012年10月24日 l级:杂音很微弱,需仔细听。 不容易听到。 ll级:较易听到弱杂音。 lll级:中等强度的杂音。 lV级:响亮的杂音。 V级:响亮,听诊器离开胸壁听不到。 Vl级:杂音强,听诊器离开胸壁一定距离也能听到。 3/6SM表示心脏听诊区听到3级的收缩期杂音。Electronic Component Parts Distributor, order online, sameday shipping, no minimum order Semiconductors, Connectors, Embedded, Optoelectronics, Capacitors Mouser Electronics Be back soon

SMT Low Noise Amplifier, DC 2000 MHz, 50Ω MAR6SM
TB4116+ $14161 Options and Alternative Models Item Description TB4116+ TB,MAR6SM,WW107,50 OHM / RoHS MiniCircuits is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of RF, IF, and microwave components from DC to 86GHzRSB56SM Bidirectional zener Diode ROHM's zener diodes are available in various lineup as 2pin mold surfacemount type and complex type New alternative products may be available Data Sheet Buy * Sample * * This is a standardgrade product For Automotive usage, please contact Sales DocumentsRSB56SM Data Sheet, Product Detail ROHM

电子台秤 PBK7856SM/65 纵览 梅特勒托利多
电子台秤 PBK7856SM/65 更高的准确度 MonoBloc® 技术 该 Monobloc® 型秤台采用电磁力补偿技术并配备内部校准砝码,可提供更高的准确度和“即插即称”功能。坚固耐用且防尘 采用铸铝外壳和过载保护装置并符合 IP65 密封标准,适用于恶劣的多尘工业环境 某温度下,纯水的电导率κ = 38 × 106Sm1,已知该温度下,H+、OH的摩尔电导率分别为35 × 102与20 × 102Sm2mol1,那么该 水溶液中的离子反应与平衡 电离平衡 水的电离和溶液的酸碱性 水的电离 水的离子积及其影响因素某温度下,纯水的电导率κ = 38 × 106Sm1,已知该温度下,H+

MAR6SM+,MAR6SM+ pdf中文资料,MAR6SM+引脚图
MAR6SM+ 产品描述 0MHz 2000MHz RF/MICROWAVE WIDE BAND LOW POWER AMPLIFIER, ROHS COMPLIANT, PLASTIC, CASE WW107, MICROX4 产品类别 无线/射频/通信 射频和微波 文件大小 102KB,共2页 制造商 MiniCircuits 官网地址 https://minicircuits零件号 型号 F6SM8 TH 工具分类 Non reversible 主轴或钻夹头类型 3/824UNF 空载转速 900 转速 功率 260 W 功率 035 hp 最大扭矩 8 ftlbs 最大扭矩 108 Nm 重量F6SM8 TH

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